Tofu- It's Nutrional Value

April 22, 2022

Tofu​—Its Nutritional Value

Why are these little cubes such an important part of the Oriental diet? For one thing, a report from Depthnews, headlined “Soybean Joins Fight Against Famine,” states that tofu is “cholesterol-free and low in saturated fats.” The World Book Encyclopedia further highlights the soybean’s worth by stating: “It has more protein than beef, more calcium than milk, and more of a fatty substance called lecithin than eggs. . . . Soybeans also are rich in vitamins, minerals, and acids.” Soybeans rank among the highest in plant food protein, and since tofu is made from soybeans, it is an excellent source of protein.

How can it be used?

Tofu is mild, delicate, and almost tasteless. Therefore, tofu can be used in a wide variety of ways. Tofu enhances dressings, sauces, salads, soups, egg dishes, dairy substitutes, casseroles, and, of course, Oriental cuisine. It can be parboiled, fried, pressed, squeezed, crumbled, drained, or reshaped; eaten raw or frozen; substituted for cottage cheese in some dishes; and used as an ingredient in Oriental recipes calling for bean curd. Its use is limited only by the imagination and inventiveness of the cook preparing a meal.


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